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    • 明星
    6.0 HD
  • 跨时空情杀



    一个男人回家后发现他的妻子在他们的结婚周年纪念日出轨。恼羞成怒的他将如何处置她们...   A man who returns home to find his wife cheating on him on their anniversary. He holds her and her naked and humiliated lover captive at gunpoint while he decides whether or not he's going to kill them. The story, inspired by true events, takes place over one day and is set in New Orleans during a stifling heat wave.



    • 6.0 HD 跨时空情杀 麦卡德·布鲁克斯,,斯蒂芬妮·查尔斯,,斯蒂芬妮·弗罗姆尼,,丽贝卡·雷尼,,丹妮尔·萨夫雷

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