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    Loring "Red" Nichols is a cornet-playing country boy who goes to New York in the 1920s full of musical ambition and principles. He gets a job playing in Wil Paradise's band, but quits to pursue his dream of playing Dixieland jazz. He forms the "Five Pennies" which features his wife, Bobbie, as vocalist. At the peak of his fame, Red and Bobbie's daughter, Dorothy, develops polio. Red quits the music business to move to Los Angeles where the climate is better for Dorothy. As Dorothy becomes a young teen, she learns of her father's musical past, and he is persuaded to open a small nightclub which is failing until some noted names from his past come to help out. Written by Ray Hamel <hamel@primate.wisc.edu>



    • 7.8 HD 我爱红娘 芭芭拉·史翠珊,沃尔特·马修,路易斯·阿姆斯特朗,迈克尔·克劳福德
    • 8.6 HD 迷魂记 詹姆斯·斯图尔特,金·诺瓦克,芭芭拉·贝尔·戈迪斯,汤姆·赫尔莫,亨瑞·琼斯,雷蒙德贝利,埃伦·科比,康斯坦丁肖恩,李·帕特里克,丹尼·鲍沙其,保罗·布亚尔,贝丝·弗劳尔斯,弗莱德·格兰姆
    • 9.0 高清 肮脏的哈里 克林特·伊斯特伍德,哈里·古蒂诺,雷尼·桑托尼,约翰·沃侬,安德鲁·罗宾逊
    • DVD 五便士乐队 丹尼·凯耶,芭芭拉·贝尔·戈迪斯,路易斯·阿姆斯特朗,哈里·古蒂诺
    • 2.0 DVD 布鲁克林来的人 丹尼·凯耶,弗吉尼亚·梅奥,薇拉-埃伦,伊芙·阿登,史蒂夫·柯臣,沃尔特·艾贝尔,莱昂内尔·斯坦德
    • 7.7 DVD 不该发生的事 斯蒂芬妮·鲍尔斯,巴瑞·波斯威克,杰瑞米·布雷特,吉娜·罗洛布里吉达

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